You know when you're young and you think you are SO mature and you're cruising in your car and can't help but sneak a peak at the potential hottie in the car next to you? That's what happened. With both their windows rolled down, they started talking to one another at a red light down town Austin. My dad was with a friend, my mom was ridin' solo. After a brief head nod, my mom (like an idiot) followed them to a local bar at the ripe age of 16. My dad was 22.
My mom actually started dating the friend in the car and a few months in she answered his phone and the other line happened to be his fiance. Whoops.... He apologized for days and told her that his friend "Nuno" really liked her and to give him a shot. She did.
Little did she know, my dad was living in his friends closet and the last few years of his life had been consumed with the Army and a year in a coma (his story is for another post!). He had nothing....and it took time to figure out why he wore the same button down shirt to every one of their dates. About 6 months into their relationship they got into an argument and my dad gave my mom an ultimatum. She showed up at his closet doorstep with her suit case.
At 17 my mom got preggy and she told my dad they were getting married, ha! They married in a courthouse November 12, 1986, my mom dawning a yellow sweat suit, 6 months pregnant. Nuno was born the following February and on the day of his first birthday, my mom found out she was...GASP!...pregnant again
and our family of four was complete ;)

We didn't have much when I was little, but my parents gave us EVERYTHING. I had the most amazing childhood. My mom was a stay at home mom and there is no doubt that is why my brother and I have good heads on our shoulders. She would spend all day just playing with us, coloring on the floor, making homemade play-dough...ahhh I still remember tasting the play-dough every single time. My dad is the most hard working man I have ever met. He spent 10 years of working 15 hour days to live the American dream with his family. He can and WILL fix anything. He knows everything about everything, at least he thinks he does. As many of you would, I will argue I have the best parents in the world. They supported us in everything we could ever dream of doing and I have tears welling up in my eyes thinking about our good times.
Because of society now..."baby mamas", 72 day marriages, it is pretty often that people ask me "wow your mom had your brother at 18? So who is his dad?" I always find this sad. Long and strong marriages are becoming a thing of the past, which is why I am so honored to wish my parents a
I am so proud to be your daughter! In honor of this special day, here are some pictures from their visit a few weeks back!
My dad calls me smoogie woogie, my mom calls me weenie.
Mom & Dad: (mom, I know you are reading this) I love you more than any words or actions could prove. You were and are the most amazing parents who always gave the perfect amounts of disipline and comfort. You let me spread my wings but only when you knew I had a parachute. You let me fail classes and didn't even blink because you know I was giving it my all. Thank you for never pressuring me to do sports, have the cool friends or do the things YOU wanted me to do. Thank you for letting me be an artist and being my biggest cheerleaders- even if it is (STILL) annoying at times. Thank you for always telling me I was beautiful because I NEVER had to go searching for someone else to tell me. Thank you for everything you have and will do for me, Travis, Amelia and Nuno. But I will not thank you for giving me ridiculous nick names (I will never forgive you mom...it's not cool to be called a genital in 6th grade. or ever).
Everyone tells me I am identical to my mother, but act exactly like my father....and that is the best compliment I could have.
ReplyDeleteFirst off let me start by saying I LOVE this family. Yes we haven't seen or spoke in a very long while but I'll never forget my first "heartbreak" by Austin lol and how your mom helped heal my heart. She took time to talk to me and told me not to have the "if this is Austin" song as my voicemail on my phone line after we broke up because it made me seem desperate. I have ALWAYS smiled when I thought of the Walls and The Vasconcellos' family. Ps thank you Angie and Big Nuno for forgiving me for that little "incident" involving little Nuno and I in middle school. Haha. :-/
I too have young parents who *gasp* are still together 27 years later. They have raised me in an unbroken home with little money and lots of love. I have *secretively* been feeling lately as I fb and blog stalk you we are a lot alike! Strong Republicans, immense love for our savior and family over everything. You are so beautiful as is your mom and I am blessed to have had yall in my life through my "awkward" middle school years.
Congrats Angie and Nuno! And God Bless y'all!
I love this post Nina! I feel so special I got to grow up with your family. After all your family is my family forever:) I love all of y'all do much!!! Remember when I thought I was gonna marry Nuno lol...oops!
ReplyDeletenina...i am speechless....i love every minute of being a mom, wife and now a grandmother!!! wow..time flies and i am so proud of you being the best wife and mother ever!!! i love you all so much!!! thank you for the sweet tribute... marriage is serious business and my best advice in a marriage is..
ReplyDelete"pick your battles" and "learn how to make a fab cup of coffee :D"