Travis' cousin Dustin came home from Afghanistan yesterday for his 2 week glad he made it back safely! We have had his yellow ribbon on our tree for months now, he has been there since March. THANK YOU FOR SERVING OUR COUNTRY, DUSTIN!!!
We also went to the pumpkin patch yesterday for a quick photo session.
There was so much chaos going on at the pumpkin patch it was so hard to get Amelia to stay still much less look at the camera. After we were done, I was annoyingly complaining in the car that we didn't get that good of photos and Travis reminded me..."It's not about getting good enough photos to post on Facebook, Nina. It's about the memories that we're making. " Awww, so glad I someone to keep me in check when I'm being an idiot. He's is about making photo opportunities to brag about on a social network memories. After I got home and downloaded the pics, I realized that I actually did get some really great pictures but more importantly...DANG MY KID IS CUTE!

I am pretty obsessed with this new face she is making ^^^. She is developing such a funky and sweet personality!!! Even writing about her makes me smile...mostly because she is quietly napping as I type ;)
I was pretty impressed with the pumpkin patch yesterday. If you live in Round Rock, there is a great one right near the HEB on HWY 79. They had so many different kind of pumpkins for cheaper than you would find at the grocery store. Not quite sure if I was too little to remember or too old to care but they had some crazy looking pumpkins that I don't recall ever seeing before:
I really wanted to get a "warty" one but I almost felt like I would catch a disease....

Even though we truly went yesterday just to take some pictures, we couldn't leave empty handed and came home with these little boogers:
Hate to break it to ya but orange traditional pumpkins are sooooo 2010 ;) we went with a green one along with some baby gourds.
I think that we are opting out of carving this year. We spent too much time and moolah on it last year and they ended up just rotting on the front porch weeks before halloween...
I also got my craft on and made this pillow while waiting for Trav to come home Saturday night....spare fabric I cut into squares and hand sewed onto an old pillow to give a shaggy-flower least thats what I was going for hah!! Thought it turned out super cute and it matches perfectly. Most of all, it was FREE!!
Will be posting the "easiest craft you'll ever do" later...I must go check on my sleeping beauty who has been sleeping for going on 2 hours now...gotta love growth spurts!!
Nina Tank
okay I have to agree....YOUR DAUGHTER IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BABY EVER!! I am dying for my first to be a baby girl. So so so precious!
ReplyDeleteAmelia is just PRECIOUS! Love her!