Lighter note: Yesterday was the "Fourth of July" aka Independence Day (for those who forgot, ha!). My life changed a lot yesterday, without me planning or on....
I woke up yesterday morning with the bright idea to do our very first "family shoot." Many of times we have set up the tripod and snapped pictures but have not even attempted to do so since Amelia was born (shame, shame!). She usually needs someone behind the camera singing or making her laugh to even remotely pay attention...
After a few minutes of that, she lost interest and started crying so we took turns with the camera...

Excuse my attempt of trying to be festive and wear red lipstick...I don't know what I was smoking to think that looked good hahaha. All in all, the shoot lasted less than 10 minutes and took me and hour to get ready :/.
Rule number two for Fourth of July (after wearing disgusting red lipstick...) DO NOT ATTEMPT TO GO TO THE GROCERY STORE!!! 2 hours and $90 later...I was ready to start preparing for our family get together :) The county can take away our fireworks, but they can't take away our BBQ! My parents are out of town but my in-laws are ALWAYS down to party (and babysit)..they are AMAZING!
I am alllllllll about presentation even if my mom is coming over for a quick lunch. Not knowing the grocery store was going to take all day, I just didn't have the time to make everything "Cute." Oh well, no one (but me) really gives a shit anyways. Heres some pics of food and family fun!
Poor Darrell broke his toe before coming over and by the time he left, 2/3 of his foot was black and blue. We had to hear about it all night so I thought I would capture his poor piggy...
It was actually earlier that day when I was straightening my hair when I had my epiphany...I have GOT to cut my hair. The summer after highschool..cough, five years ago, cough...I chopped my hair from almost hip lenth to a bob (almost 2 ft. I swear!)...and hated my life for a good 2 years (mostly because a Toni&Guy stylist name Cig convinced me to go bob..)I felt I lost all femininity and swore I would never chop my hair like that EVER again. As I was straightening my hair, I could literally hear my ends singe and crack. The last 7 in.- at least- of my hair was completely fried. Then it came to me..."Why the HELL am I holding onto this straw?! its disgusting" and I weighed out the cons:
-I am sick of wearing my hair in a bun
-I am sick of it taking hours to dry
-I am sick of having to spend an hour styling it to leave the nest
-I am SO sick of it being all over my bathroom floor
-I am sick of 3 hairs in the sink looking as if I just cleaned my brush...but most importantly..
- I am sick of Amelia pulling on it and getting it tangled around her fingers!!!
Now...there is only ONE person in the whole world that I will let come even close to my hair with scissors or color.... meet Lauren :)
She is not only an amazing hair dresser but shes sweet as pie. The type of friend that MONTHS can go by and we will pick up right where we left off. Her boyfriend Ben has been one of Travis' best friends since high school and they came over for dinner!
IT WAS FATE! I told her that I wanted to chop my hair off and she stated "I have my scissors in the car." We tried to document the best we could....
after the first snip...
DON'T WORRY! This went to locks of love :)

If you are looking for a change and need an amazing hair stylist, contact Lauren Inselmann @
(im obsessed!)
TOO LONG OF A POST...I am making up for lost time ;)
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