Origin: Hebrew: Work of the Lord

My sweet butterbean just turned 6 months old, and that is exciting enough for me to share!
People aren't lying when they tell you how fast kids grow. Some days I cannot wait for her to be "just a little older so we can..." but I look back and terribly miss the days where I just watched her nap for hours a day or where her greatest achievement was concentrating on my face. In the last week alone she has started to REALLY crawl (instead of swimming on land), drink out of a sippy cup on her own, climb up on things and stand by herself with her own two legs, say "dada" on command AND finally (today) she looked at me and said "mama". THERE IS NO FEELING LIKE THAT IN THE WORLD!
Every few weeks I try to dress her up and do a 10 minute photo shoot...Her personality is shining! She is always sticking her tongue out and crinkling her nose :)
I have been meaning to share some pictures and craft projects from her room! Not to toot my own horn, but I adore her room hahah! When I found out that I was having a girl, I swear I wanted to keep it neutral and not look like Barbie puked in there but ultimately I caved and realized that I needed to embrace the "girly"!
Cost: $3.99 for the feather Boa. I painted this chandelier myself and already had the paints! I also had all the rhinestones that I used :) Looks so much cuter in person, I swear!
Magical Frog (haha): Cost" $12.99 at Ikea!
I got her furniture at wal-mart but wanted to brag on the plastic buckets....DOLLAR TREE! This Project cost me a whopping $4.00! They were a dollar each and then I bought a bouquet of hydrangeas, took it apart and glued the petals on!
Another inexpensive craft project! These are paper bugs/flowers I found at Hobby Lobby in the gift wrapping section. They ranged from $.99 to $2.99 and I tied them onto fishing wire and tacked on the ceiling. This is Amelias favorite part of the room for SURE! They are near the air vent making them the cheapest mobile I could buy :)
This is another part of the room that I love and am looking to do the "empty frame" concept in my living room as well. Cost: $18.00. I bought the empty frames for $2.00 each at wal-mart and found the flowers at Hobby Lobby that were about $4.00 each. (I made that lamp too!!)
Love this chair!! Cost: $19.99 from ROSS
Ikea Rug: Cost: $4.00...it doesn't get any better than that!
After our photo shoot we came inside to cool off and start dinner...it was WAY too hot outside. My lovies enjoyed some good ol' reading time before taking a bath :)
Alright world, I promise to update more often...I could go into how hectic life is right now but instead I will leave you with a cheesy smiley face....
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